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Winter in desert

I am winter kid in all levels. I love winter festive period, I love cold nights, I love winter fashion, yes I love when my fingers are dead cold and when I run into warm and cozy home. When I think about winter there is so many things for which I can say that I love, from outfits to Christmas tree, and hot warm cocoa.

Now when you live in Middle East things that you love and wish to have can be difficult to make them real. I will give you ex. Today is 16th celsius and its windy, you are preparing your outfit for tomorrow (yes, thats what I do) and suddenly tomorrow temperature goes above 20 - I don't like this! This next few photos that you will see is opportunity that I grab to wear my favorite jeans combined with white sweater and ankle boots - This outfit I believe it is perfect for everyday look even for afternoon tea with your best friend. It is comfortable and this classic look is something that will make you always trendy.


Swater : H&M

Boots: H&M

Bag: Splash

Happy holidays!

xx Beauty Nomad

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