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Code, Yellow

Since I started whole new segment on my blog - fashion, I realize that it's no easy to write this kind of post. Usually when it comes to makeup/product review I know the pattern, but know I feel little bit lost, because I'm not sure how to start a post.

This time my outfit was chosen by location of shooting and it was so easy to decade what to wear. This powerful yellow wall we discovered last time when we went on shooting for the Embroidered Smock Dress. For those who do not know, location of shooting is Old Fire Station, which is one of our favorites places to spent a day. We love the fusion of art, food and atmosphere that you can get, for more details visit there page. So, when we saw a wall I I already knew what is gonna me my next #ootd post.

I wanted to create a perfect contrast look between two colors, yellow and navy blue. Also, this outfit is perfect combo of comfort and chic.

O U T I N F O:

Blouse: Primark, Berlin


Shoes: ZARA

Watch: Rosenfield

Chocker: Stradivarius


Od kako sam pocela sa novim segmenom bloga - modom , shvatila sam koliko zapravo ovo nije ni malo lako. Kada je u pitanju pisanje kritika i utisaka o kozmetickim proizvodima daleko je lakse posto vec imam odredjenu semu po kojoj pisem, a sada se osecam cak malo i pogubljeno, posto nikada ne znam odakle i kako poceti.

Ovaj mozda i nije bilo tako tesko, ovaj put moj outfit je odredila sama lokacija slikanja. Ovaj mocni zuti zid je otkriven, tj. primecen jos kada smo slikali outfit post za plavu ZARA haljinu. Inace taj zid su nekada bila vrata, a vrata su deo stare vatrogasne stanice koaj je sada pretvorena u glaeriju sa restoranom i prodavnicom slikarskog materijala. Inace ovo je nasa omiljena lokacija za "pobeci". Zaljubljeni smo u fuziju umtnosti, hrane i divne atmosfere.

Takod a kada sam videla zid/vrata, znala sam sta ce biti moj sledeci #ootd post.

Ovim outfitom sam htela da postignem savrse kontrast dveju boja, zute i teget, a pored toga mislim da je ovo odlican spoj udobnosti i šika.

xxoo till nesxt post

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