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Rock the summer

Hello Beauty nomads. I don't know about you, but I put my self into the summer mood. I think Doha is guilty for that, when you live in hottest country off course you gonna be in summer mood during the spring :) .

I am a winter kid, and for me everything that goes above 27 degrees is a hell, so can you imagine me being here in Doha on temperature above 45 - yup, you can imagine!

So, with a first warm day I start with preparation for a pool, perfect getaway from this heat. Since I start with all that strategy I was thinking in all that preparation what can be perfect outfit for pool or beach. I think every woman wants to look nice even there. Also, wanted to feel feel comfortable even if I didn't lose the weight that I planed.

So, I wanted to share with you how to look stylish even at the pool.

First, let-s talk about makeup and hair for a pool day. I am not a big fan of makeup for a beach, but if you want, my recommendation is waterproof mascara, lip-gloss and you can do your brows with tinted color (also waterproof). If you are fan of more makeup, then you can go with metallic eye shadow (golden, copper tones). When it comes to hair, keep it simple and natural, I think the best style is messy bun.

Now, when it comes to outfit I believe that the most comfortable and useful peace of clothes is long dress. Why? First it looks stylish, second you can always use it if you need to change. This time I wear long dress with flower pattern that I order from Rosegla.

When I have to decade about swimsuit it can be hard, I love 2 piece, but here in Doha I will more better with 1 piece. This one I love because is trendy (Pin-up style), and it shape nicely. I get mine last year from Marks &Spencer, I love their swimsuits, they have all sizes, shapes and models, and quality is amazing.


Cure moje drage, evo ja se ubacih u letenje raspolozenje. Za to kriim Dohu, u sred proleca ovde leto i kako da ne bbudem u tom mood-u?

Ja sam inace zimsko dete, yamislite samo mene na +45, a i vise, tipim se i jedva disem hahah, ali zato, dobra strana toga je odlazak u bazen i na plazu.

Vec duze vreme osmisljam kako i na koji nacin biti staylish, posto smatram to velikim izazovom, te sam posle duzeg razmisljanja zelela sa vama da podelim moj ubicajeni outfit za odlazak na bazen/plazu.

Prvo bih napisala par recenica na temu sminke i frizure. Naravno, ne podrzavam sminku , ali ukoliko bas nikako ne mozete bez nje, gledate da sto manje proizvoda imate na licu, na ocima mozete koristiti kremaste vodootporne senke u nijansama zlata i rdje, dok na trepavicama savetujem obavezno vodootpornu masaru. Sigurno ne zelite da budete rakun posle plivanja?!

Kada je u pitanju outfit, duga, leprsava haljina je spas. Izgledacete lepo ma kakav oblik vaseg tela bio, prikricete nedostatke, a kao drugo, moze vam i posuziti svrsi kada pozelite da se presvucete. Haljinu koju ja nosim na slikama porucila sam sa Rosegall sajta (u tekstu navise je link),. Sto se tice kupaceg kostima, uvek vise volim dvodelni, no medjutim, ovde se vise osecam prijatno u jednodelnom. Ovaj crni sa slike kupila sma prosle godine u Marks&Spencr-u. NJihovi kupaci su divni, imaju sve velicine, razne modele i odlicnog su kvaliteta (ne blde lako).

Kako bi izgledao vas outfit za ovako nesto? Pripremate li se a letovanje?


What would be your pool/beach outfit? Are you preparing yourself for a summer vacation?


Beauty nomad

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