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Makeup Obsession, freedom palette

Let me introduce you an amazing freedom system palettes from TAM Beauty website. Makeup Obsession is one of many makeup lines of Makeup Revolution brand. This brand is originally from UK but there products you can find all over the world. I got this beauty from there online shop - yes, they do a delivery to Qatar, but if you do not have PO box, forget it.

Philosophy of Makeup Obsession is that you can have 2 kinds of empty palettes small holds 6 singles, and large one holds 12 singles, fill from a selection of Eye shadow, Blush, Highlight, Contour and Strobe shades! In that way, you can be creator of your own palettes, which is amazing if you ask me. Why? Well let's say that you buy eye shadow palette, you gonna chose that one just for 3-5 shades, but can you imagine that you can use and love any single shade from your palette? Who cool is that?

I brought for myself small one, and here are the shades that I pick, I wanted to play little bit, and to step out of my box:

Nevertheless, I am totally in love in pigmentation, and easy blending.

One small empty palette you can get from $5.59 and the large one from$7.01. Mono eye shadows you can gt from $2.81, and for that money you gonna get quality as well.


TAM beauty (link)


Napokon je na red dosao i ovaj post. Pre izvesnog vremena postavila sam na Instagramu fotografije ove palete i mnoge od vas su me pitale za nju i evo, doceka i ona svetlo sunca. Prvo bih zelala da sa vama podelim informaciju da je Makeup Obssesion samo deo kolekcije brenda Makeup Revolution, za koji vrujem da su mnogi culi.

Filozofija ove kolekcije se ogleda u "slobodi" pravlenja vlastite boje. Tacnije, na raspolaganju su vam 2 vrte praznih paleta, manja sa 6 praznih mesta i velika sa 12. Prazne palete mozete napuniti senkama za oci, rumenillima, iluminatorima...

Meni se posebno svidja ovaj sistem, a razlog je taj sto, kada razmislite malo bolje, kada kupimo paletu senki, obicno iskoristim par nijansi, a ostaktak nekada i ne dodirnemo, s tim u vezi, ovaj sistem je fantazija...Sami birate sta zelite da imate i koje nijanse volite, sto znaci, sto vidite to cete i dobiti, tj. iskoristiti.

Ja sam svoju paleticu "sklopila" i porucila sa online stranice, a na fotografiji iznad mozete videti i nijanse koje sam izabrala. Htela sam nesto malo drugacije i da mogu da se igram.

Sve u svemu, pored toga sto sam odusevljena sistemom, odusevljena sam igmentacijom i lakocom blendanja istih. Ne truse se i mogu se koristiti u kombinacijom sa durallajnom ili vodom. Manju paletu mozete naci po ceni od $5.59, a vecu od $7.01. Mono senkice se krecu od $2.81. Za tu cenu cete zaista dobiti vrstan kvalitet.

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